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Here's an example of how you could use Atlantis to run Terraform apply only if the OPA evaluation returns true:

#!/bin/bash # Evaluate the OPA policy result=$(opa eval --data ./data.json --format json --pretty ./policy.rego 'data.terraform.allowed') # Extract the result of the evaluation allowed=$(echo $result | jq -r '.result') if [ "$allowed" == "true" ]; then # If OPA evaluation is true, run Terraform apply terraform apply else # If OPA evaluation is false, return an error echo "Terraform apply not allowed by OPA policy" exit 1 fi

This script uses the opa command line tool to evaluate the policy defined in the policy.rego file with the data in data.json. The result of the evaluation is stored in the result variable, and the allowed variable is extracted from the result using jq. If the allowed variable is true, Terraform apply is run. If allowed is false, the script returns an error and exits.

You can configure Atlantis to run this script as a pre-apply hook. When Terraform is applied through Atlantis, this script will be executed before Terraform apply, and if the OPA evaluation returns false, Terraform apply will be prevented.

Write a Atlantis repo.yaml file to check if OPA evaluates to true and if so it should go for terragrunt apply

Here's an example of a repo.yaml file for Atlantis that checks if the OPA evaluation returns true and runs Terragrunt apply if it does:

version: 2 policies: pre-apply: - name: OPA evaluation command: "./" hooks: pre-apply: - command: terragrunt apply


#!/bin/sh result=$(opa eval --data repo.yaml --policy policy.rego "data.terraform.allow = true") if [ "$result" = "true" ]; then # run the first workflow in Atlantis atlantis run --workflow workflow1 else # run the second workflow in Atlantis if OPA evaluates to false atlantis run --workflow workflow2 fi


version: 2 policies: pre-apply: - name: OPA evaluation command: "./" hooks: pre-apply: - command: terragrunt apply


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